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You can find our training videos here
You can find answers to your questions for screen. Furthermore you will meet AirHMI Screens
You can find how to setup AirHMI Visual Creator
Explains how to upload, update and delete projects to our screens via Sd card or Serial Port.
Placing colors or images on the backgrounds of your projects. It also explains how to use portrait and landscape.
Explains what the properties of the Button object do and how to change them
Contains a coding example of changing the properties of a Button object
Explains what the properties of the Label object do and how to change them
Contains a coding example of changing the properties of a Label object
With the Transparent Object, you can add a touch effect anywhere on the screen and add a code that will be executed when this area is touched.
With Image you can add images of any size to the screen and change their position. You can also write code about what to do when Image is touched.
You can use your AirHMI display with Arduino, either sending and receiving data from your display to Arduino or from Arduino to your display.
We continue to develop the AirHMI display every day. In this video, you can find the necessary information to install the firmware file we published on this subject on your screen.
You can access the sample codes and project of sending and receiving data to and from Arduino via Uart from this video.
With Basic IO Control Board you can control 3 relay outputs, 2 I/O, 2 PWM or I/O and 1 ADC output. The board gets its energy from the pins on the screen.
The Control Board is a 24V powered board with 8 relays, 4 Digital Inputs and 4 Analog Inputs that can be used up to 4 side by side. It can be easily used by connecting with AirHMI display via TTL (Uart).
How is the communication between Airhmi display and Modbus supported devices done? Register read, write commands are executed.
On Airhmi screens, you can define a function specific to the page. It is a very useful structure for multiple repetitive operations.
Airhmi screen, we explain how to place the image you want to appear on the screen during the first boot.
Airhmi displays have now taken the first step towards becoming part of the internet of things (IOT). The Ethernet card is used with all Airhmi industry series displays.